Wednesday, March 26, 2025

During the week

At Oaks we believe it is important for us not to just be involved in our local community but to be part of the local community.

As well as put on events for people to come to, we encourage our church family to go to events that others put on.

While we put on events for people to enjoy, like quiz nights, games nights, etc. we also get our hands dirty in the community by doing things including giving away batteries for smoke alarms and making it possible for people to have smoke alarms fitted if they do not have one, we clean up areas, paint schools, remove graffiti, litter pick and many other community minded things.

We do this in our own local area but also in partnership with other churches across the town.


Our word for the year.

‘To know Jesus and
to make Jesus known’

Love God,
Love each other,
Love the lost.


Discover the difference

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