Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Our Values

We particularly value the orthodox faith of the traditional Christian Church as revealed in the Bible, the Word of God, and as expressed in the historic creeds of the Church, (the Apostolic and Nicene creeds) and the work of the Holy Spirit in effecting the will of God the Father and the Son.

Worship: We believe that as human beings our primary purpose for existing is to worship God. In accordance with Biblical principles there are two main ways that we encourage our members to worship. One is that we seek to live our lives as a daily offering of praise and sacrifice to God and the other is by means of corporate worship as a fellowship, which is led by the worship band in a modern and lively style.

Bible teaching is a vital ingredient for a healthy church. We need to show its relevance as the basic issue for us is experiencing the Bible—not only knowing it. We highly value expository teaching, with an emphasis on doing and experiencing.

Ministry to people with the love of God the Father, and in the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Presence Led: All that we do at Oaks needs to be prayerfully guided by the Father; it is our desire and our aim to say with Jesus ‘we only do what we see the Father doing’.

Other values we hold can be summed up by several sayings that we have at Oaks.

  • We need to grow smaller as we grow bigger
    Because much of church life is about relationships we believe that as a church grows bigger it must also grow smaller. We therefore place an emphasis on our small groups, e.g. cell groups. These groups allow big churches to maintain close relationships and friendships, which are vital ingredients of a healthy church.
  • Belonging – Believing – Behaving
    It’s important that when someone comes to Oaks on a Sunday, regardless of their background or spiritual state they feel as though they belong here, that they are welcomed. If people feel they belong then they’ll be more likely to come again and the hope is that as they are exposed to Christians and to Christian truth they will begin their faith journey. And as they begin this journey, God by the Holy Spirit, will begin to change their behaviour and they will slowly want to become more like Him. (Which is the mark of Christian maturity—to be like Christ.)
  • Discipleship is a Process
    We believe that discipleship is a process, therefore we have put in place a process by which people can grow into being fully active disciples of Jesus, equipped to minister and able to feed themselves spiritually.
  • Every Member is a Minister
    We believe that together we are the body of Christ and that everyone can and does have a contribution to make to the life of the church.
  • Empowering Leadership
    We believe that growing churches concentrate on empowering Christians for ministry. Leaders of growing churches do not use lay workers as helpers in attaining their own goals and visions. Rather, they assist them to attain the spiritual potential God has for them.

‘To know Jesus and
to make Jesus known’

‘To love God, to love each other
and to love the lost’

  • The Bible is God’s own word, and a sure and certain guide for life.
  • God loved the world, and gave his only Son to be its Saviour.
  • Jesus died and rose again, and will return in great power and glory at the end of the world.
  • Men and women are called to be in a real and living relationship with God through faith in the Lord Jesus.
  • The Holy Spirit has power to change those who trust in Christ, giving them a new start, a clean record, and a life worth living.


Our word for the year.

‘To know Jesus and
to make Jesus known’

Love God,
Love each other,
Love the lost.


Discover the difference

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