Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Our Vision

We aim to establish an outward looking church where God can be God and we can truly be ourselves.

This is a church that believes in God’s radical, unconditional and unwavering love for us.

This is a passionate, worshipping church with God at the centre of everything we do, a church where people are accepted, offered grace and given opportunities to grow and develop into the person that God has always intended them to be.

This is a church that is not concerned with where you have been but with where you are going; a community where acceptance is not based on social status, looks, ability or talent but on the fact that we are created in God’s image.

This is a church that believes Jesus is a live life to the fullest invitation, where we live our lives in response to what Jesus has done for us.

This would be a praying church that is open to what the Holy Spirit is doing and saying, where people are ministered to, in God’s love, through the power of the Holy Spirit, in order for them to be wholly alive, with the joy of knowing and worshipping Jesus Christ.

This is a church that is ‘anchored to the rock and geared to the times’, a church that applies age-old bible truths to everyday life and is always seeking new and creative ways to serve our community with acts of love and kindness.

This is a church that trains and equips leaders and releases people into ministry for which they are shaped, placing the importance on the person and not the program.

This is a church where people are equipped to live out and proclaim God’s Kingdom in the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

This is a church that has relationships at its heart with a strong emphasis on being family, a church that ‘grows smaller as it grows bigger’ through small group activities and fellowship with other members.

This is a church that seeks to love, respect and work with other like-minded churches to bring God’s kingdom.

This is a church that seeks to play its part in fulfilling the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.

If you are looking for the perfect church, we are not it. At our church we will make mistakes but we will choose to grow from them.

A vision statement always sounds a bit grand, but if you would prefer you can call this our preferred future, something that we are striving to become and believing God for.


Our word for the year.

‘To know Jesus and
to make Jesus known’

Love God,
Love each other,
Love the lost.


Discover the difference

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