Welcome to Oaks Community Church in Aylesbury, Bucks, UK!
I am glad that you have found our online home.
Oaks is a warm, friendly and welcoming church which seeks to be family.
Our regular Sunday morning services are held at Aylesbury Grammar School (directions), starting at 10:30 a.m. and usually finishing with tea and coffee at about midday. All are most welcome to attend!
Midweek small groups meet throughout the week doing various things like bible study, book club, wieght loss, learn to play bridge, craft night and so on.
If you are looking for the perfect church, we are not it. But if you are looking for a church of real people who are striving to be all that God calls them to be then you'll fit in fine.
We are a bunch of local people who believe that God is for us, not against us and wants to be friends with us. We are people from all walks of life and of all ages who have found a common denominator in our Christian faith. We want to live out the reality of a friendship with a loving God in a natural, informal way, true to ourselves and relevant to our culture.
We believe in God’s radical, unconditional and unwavering love for us.
We are committed to being a church which is friendly, informal, relevant and that seeks to meet the needs of the community in which it is based.
We are not asking you to change your belief system before you attend our church we are simply inviting you on a journey towards Jesus.
Obviously its impossible to give the ‘full flavour’ of a church on a website, because church is about people and is relational. However we hope this website may give you a little taste of what Oaks Community Church in Aylesbury is about.
Come along on a Sunday and discover the difference!